Everyone here is anticipating the election. Sadly I missed the boat on voting abroad, which is the lamest act of my life. Please feel free to yell at me via email, I deserve a good talking too about my responsibilities as a citizens and how democracy only works if people participate. On the other hand I like to think I am improving America's reputation abroad one Egyptian at a time.
I am swearing right now that if McCain wins I will figure out a way to stay out of the country for another year. It is amazing how many people abroad want Obama to win. I have seen a few Egyptians wearing Obama t-shirts and almost all know his name. Paul told a story about having a random man stop him, ask if he was American, show him his store, and his sticker of Obama on the wall.
McCain is unknown and Bush is hated.
Also, they love Bill Clinton, love him!
November is going to be my month to commit to Egypt, finally start acting like I am living here for a year and not just on vacation. Chrissie and I are in talks to join a gym, which sounds mundane but seems to be one of the first steps I take when I commit to a city. We are hustling on Internet and I have stopped trying to convince people that 70 degrees constitutes a winter. My friend Mousaad has offered to give me riding lessons and we are planning on starting as soon as I get paid! Speaking of getting paid the school finally got around to giving us our debit cards and supposedly out paychecks will be deposited into an account at the first of every month. I am not holding my breathe about this one either and am prepared to get paid cash for the rest of the year.
Another small group and I took a trip to the outskirts of the Pyramids and road horses to get pretty sweet view. Plans to go inside the pyramids were scratched when we got a late start. Sadly the days of free pyramids and camping underneath the Sphinx are over, wish I was born in the 50s so I could have seen them in the 70s. Sad face. You now have to pay around 100 pounds, about 20 dollars, and even more to ride a camel or a horse. We opted to a the 40 pound horse ride nearby.
The cab on the way to the pyramids. Yes, fake fur on the dashboard is typical and no the meter does not actually work.
The Cairo sky during a few drops of rain and a crazy strong dust filled wind.
We road up this hill on the horses and looked out upon the city of Giza. Cairo proper includes Giza, but most people here talk about Giza and Cairo as two cities.
The Pyramids.
Mandatory pretend to hold the pyramid shot. Just wait till I go to the leaning Tour of Piza, there will be on of those too.
Katie, Paul, Chrissie, Faye, Moussad, and Christina.
Fun Group.
I am swearing right now that if McCain wins I will figure out a way to stay out of the country for another year. It is amazing how many people abroad want Obama to win. I have seen a few Egyptians wearing Obama t-shirts and almost all know his name. Paul told a story about having a random man stop him, ask if he was American, show him his store, and his sticker of Obama on the wall.
McCain is unknown and Bush is hated.
Also, they love Bill Clinton, love him!
November is going to be my month to commit to Egypt, finally start acting like I am living here for a year and not just on vacation. Chrissie and I are in talks to join a gym, which sounds mundane but seems to be one of the first steps I take when I commit to a city. We are hustling on Internet and I have stopped trying to convince people that 70 degrees constitutes a winter. My friend Mousaad has offered to give me riding lessons and we are planning on starting as soon as I get paid! Speaking of getting paid the school finally got around to giving us our debit cards and supposedly out paychecks will be deposited into an account at the first of every month. I am not holding my breathe about this one either and am prepared to get paid cash for the rest of the year.
Another small group and I took a trip to the outskirts of the Pyramids and road horses to get pretty sweet view. Plans to go inside the pyramids were scratched when we got a late start. Sadly the days of free pyramids and camping underneath the Sphinx are over, wish I was born in the 50s so I could have seen them in the 70s. Sad face. You now have to pay around 100 pounds, about 20 dollars, and even more to ride a camel or a horse. We opted to a the 40 pound horse ride nearby.
Fun Group.
Does the centering of text imply your desire to take a middle path or build a strong pedestal?
middle path is desired, as I am constantly having to bite my tongue and not offend everyone around me.
you would like it here dad, i think you would.
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