Monday, September 28, 2009

New Environment

Eid is officially over. My first week was really slow and then Eid happened, wham I had to learn how to work behind the bar. Luckily cafes and bars around the world are much the same and customer service is customer service. Tell people to wait with a smile, let them see you working hard, and don't mess up to many drinks then people will be happy. Now Eid is over and that means no more 14 hour plus work days or hordes of young guests downing bottles of tequila in about 10 minutes! Ha, that makes the castle sound like Vegas and we are not Vegas. The guests are calm, incredibly nice, they want to get to know you, and most will come back a few times so you can get to know them too.

I am dealing with a pretty new environment physically and mentally. Environmentally I live in the desert and Saudi Arabia is across the sea. Sometimes I feel like I am overlooking Ballard and global warming has really happened. Nothing is green, the mountains have no snow, and the sun is hot and always shining. I crave grey and rain, I really want to wander around in the spitting Seattle rain and sleep in cold cold nights. Oh well, it will get cold here and I will most likely want the hot sun back. Cool things are happening though. I notice when the sun sets earlier, I can sort of guess the time by the light of day, little geckos make noises in the bathroom and my room, the South wind makes me sneeze because it brings more dust, and I am learning how to sleep through sunrise and pigeons cooing (so annoying) in my window.

Mentally the risk of being lonely and isolated is pretty high. I spend a lot of time at the castle with the same four wonderful people, but who can spend all their time with the same four people? Not me, so a resolution has been forming in my head to leave whenever I can for my sanity's sake. I had half a day off yesterday and headed down to the Good Life (a beach camp two friends run). There I read a little, chilled a little, and ate a good meal. Perfect change. Good resolution.

I cannot find my camera charger, but the pictures of the castle on the website are accurate. They are not glossy versions of the truth, that is where I live. Check them out.

On a conversational note is America falling apart? I have no idea except what I see in the headlines. Why do people give Glenn Beck the time of day, why do I know who he is, can we not get health care down and settled, can someone act like a leader and do something about global climate change now and not in the year 2020? I am pretty removed and I would really like to know if all the "Yes, we can" people still feel like they can or if Obama is doing and not just talking. You hear a lot about his pretty words over here and in the foreign press. Maybe action is happening at home? Let me know.

1 comment:

Mr_Grant said...

Beck and his ilk still only represent 25ish% of the 'people,' and I use that term loosely. The media makes them seem more numerous than they are.

The real problem is the moneyed interests that are able to buy off legislators who are willing to be bought. Thus things like a public option amendment losing 8-15 on a committee with a 13-10 Democratic majority.