Monday, January 26, 2009

Something to smile about

I realized that the majority of my posts make Cairo sound like a horrible city with way to many problems. Despite my posts Egypt is great and not just when I go on beach vacations. Here are some reasons why...

1) You can get anything delivered
Anything and everything can be brought to your doorstep, how amazing. The lists includes pharmacies, fast food, grocery stores, laundry, water, fresh fruit and vegetables, liquor, coffee, sushi, real food, all your bills, butcher meat, cigarettes, and a million more things if I spoke Arabic. Also your doorman, if you can call down to him and ask for stuff in Arabic, will get you anything from any of the neighborhood places.

2) There is always a cab
bad news bears for the cabbies who then have to deal with lowered prices and hard to find fares, but it is also the only way Egyptians with no cars can get around. You walk down just about any street at anytime of night or day and there is a cab. The only time I had a real problem was during Ramadan, right before people broke their fasts.

3) The weather
I complain because it is cold and by cold I mean 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Not really a problem.

4) The smog blocks the sun
I was worried about being constantly sunburned, but lucky for me there is so much pollution that the sun is pretty much blocked all the time. This might be a Pollyanna post, but I am trying here. I am willing to bet that any anti-cancer benefits I am reaping are directly opposed by the pro-cancer particles in the air all the time. Still no sunburns yet!

5) My roommates
What are the chances of liking three people you are forced to live with? Not high, especially when you are me and neurotic about eating noises, weird cleaning issues, shelf space, and open windows (I like them). Maybe my roommates hate me, but I like them! They are fun, up for almost anything, like to branch out, like to travel around, and all in all considerate people. Plus Katie makes the all time best drunk faces.

6) Fresh fruit, vegetables and bread
Chances are there is a fruit stand on your corner, a vegetable stand nearby and a bakery within walking distance. If I had the energy or ate a ton of bread I could walk three blocks and stumble upon a delicious bakery, mad fruit and vegetables. I like having food in the fridge, makes me happy to see full shelves, so I just go every week or so.

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