Friday, January 9, 2009

Egyptian news

I have a hard time getting news on a daily basis because we do not have the internet and I live in a neighborhood where English newspapers are not distributed. So, while I would love to keep everyone super up-to-date with all my thoughts about current events in Egypt I cannot because I cannot keep up-to-date on current events. Sad face :(

Luckily I found a web site for one of the English print newspapers.

There is limited freedom of the press in Egypt and bloggers and journalists seem to get arrested all the time. I just heard about a few that got arrested at protests against the current actions in Gaza. I think they were let go almost right away though.

Also if you are interested in background to Egyptian politics and some on Hamas check out the wikipedia entry on the Muslim Brotherhood, the father of Hamas. From what I remember from classes it is pretty right on and not to biased either way. I love wikipedia. Love.

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