Alas, there are other ways to relive stress. I suddenly started reading like I used in middle school. Once again I am finishing a book in a day, stealing them from friends with decent taste, and even buying some from Virgin Megastore. Buying from such a sick store is a little depressing, but then again I do drink Starbucks coffee now. Next stop Abercrombie & Fitch to completely round off my middle school rehashing.
Katie and I also discovered the rooftop is the next best thing to a gym. In our best effort to emulate a circuit workout we ran up some stairs and proceeded to rock out on the roof, working on our fitness. Paul was there to document the event on digi film.
One day we might be brave enough to conduct an aerobics class in the street, but I think I might have to be piss drunk to attempt this. In all my years of athletic performance I have not worked out drunk, something tells me Egypt is not the best place to start.