Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear Maya

Dear Maya

Why is it that this year, of all years, you and your family no longer live in Israel? I was hanging out at the beach this past week, Nuweiba, and everyone there was from Tel Aviv. Not only does Hebrew sound a lot like Arabic, but all the Israelis there were mad chill and made Tel Aviv sound like paradise. Maybe there is some truth to these rumors about Israel being the Promised Land? Ha!

So my point is that now I really want to go to Israel and go hang out at an Ashram, grow dreadlocks, learn about various religious mysticisms, and chill. Well, ok, I don’t really want to grow dreads and my desire to seriously get into religion is still pretty much non-existent. That pretty much rules out the Ashram, unless I want to get into yoga. I can see myself getting into yoga, mildly athletic and somewhat spiritual in a non-defined malleable sort of way.

Do you still know anyone who wants to hang out with me in Israel? Does anyone know anyone who would want to hang out with me in Israel?


See how close Israel is to Nuweiba, see??? The map is not really to scale, but it is less than two hours from Taba to Nuweiba. See???

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