Friday, January 23, 2009

There are no gansters in Cairo

Last night the roomies and I went out to a club (so hip) where towards the end of the night they started playing some mid 90s hip hop hits- "This is How we Do It," "Return of the Mac," etc. I cannot describe to you how hard I was laughing at the dancing, the waving of West Coast hand signs, and general non-gangsterness.

I love imported American culture and what is more imported than hip hop?


In other news I walked out of my apartment door today to find liquid streaming down the steps. At first I thought "Rad I have a haunted apartment!" Then I looked closer and realized the liquid was not blood and therefore my apartment was most likely not haunted. After getting over the disappointment I remembered that is how they clean the steps.

I walked down the stairs before the flooding got to me!

I am recovering well and will most likely head back to school on Sunday. I doubt that my students have learned a thing while I am gone and we have quarter exams in a week, hmmm. So much for the times tables. I am going to suffer through two weeks of class and then Mom comes to visit!!!!

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