Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Onward towards the promised land

As I pack and get ready to leave for my oh-so-exciting vacation to the West Coast I have to admit that the America I see in the headlines is horribly pathetic.

Let's take a sampling of the headlines from right now...

-Idiots protesting the "Three Blocks Away From Ground Zero and Within Walking Distance of  Strip Club Mosque" are making the entire USA look like bigots and hate filled Islamaphobic uneducated twits. What a surprise the whole debate and  is actually fueling Jihadist rhetoric and during Ramadan when everyone with a minaret has a particularly captive audience.

-An even bigger idiot in Florida is attempting to turn 9/11 into  "International Burn A Koran Day," wow Nazi!

-Politicians from New Hampshire are denying Global Climate Change. Really, in New Hampshire?

-Sarah Palin is still getting press, if you ignore her she will go away!

-Idiot Republicans are actually trying to get rid of the 14th Amendment, Anchor Babies? Democrats-you are horrible at thinking up witty phrases, get a new copy writer!

-People actually believe Obama is a Muslim. Really? Didn't he write a book about his faith? Can these people read?

Not so good. This depresses me. Two years later people still hate George Bush Jr, they still like Clinton (ha!), and they are beginning to see Obama as a fraud and no better than the rest. When you live abroad you get a lot of crap still for being an American and I have to respond. I used to be able to say things were changing, the mood of the country seemed to be happier and more intelligent. Now, I am scared I was dead wrong. I am scared that we are ignoring everything that is really important and focusing on stupid anchor baby inspired debates on the Right and on the Left the every present battle of who is the most liberal without actually supporting liberal policies because somehow they allowed the Right to call everything Socialist.  On the other hand my Canada jokes now have a twinge of sadness behind them because not so secretly I am jealous of my old Northern neighbor and I think the sadness adds another layer to the humor.

On this trip back I know I will see friends, attend a wedding of a best friend, and stare at mountains. I hope I find something else, something that will make me want to be in America.

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