Thursday, April 22, 2010

Other people's blogs, which may or may not be about Egypt.

One of the most useful and annoying tools I have found in Cairo is a list serve called Cairo Scholars. With over 2,000 members who can email the entire group at any time you can imagine the absolute stupidity and absolute usefulness of the group.

I asked for a collection of blogs because when I was traveling here I found it very hard to find up to date information about living in modern Cairo. The guide books are for tourists and most Google searches turn up information about all the old stone stuff.

Here are the blogs if you are interested in what some other ex-pat type people living in Cairo get up to. I don't know these people and the blogs were not vetted. Many of them are more political, have way better photos, and not nearly as snarky as mine.
Aggregation of blogs on Egypt/by Egyptians in English and Arabic.
Written in Armenian or  Russian.
Have you ever seen Armenian written? It looks so cool. There are also English posts. 
Chronicles adventures both in and outside of Egypt.

PS. I'm starting a new blog, in the near future. Stay tuned.
PPS This article is funny, click here.


Anonymous said...

Hey Man, thanks for the nice advertising! :)

Christina said...

Hey! I'm studying abroad in Egypt and leaving you my blog.

Unknown said...

You missed the balls deep blog!

Unknown said...

You missed off the Balls Deep 2010 blog