Monday, March 15, 2010

Oprah inspiration

Never thought I would ever say this, but I have been inspired by Oprah. Yes, I blame this on Egypt and the lack of readily available intelligent cultural material in English. I feel like I live in a small town and Oprah is actually "opening my eyes to the world around me and introducing me to so many different people and thoughts." I have never watched a full episode of Oprah except once on a treadmill and that was because the woman next to me there really wanted to watch it, she won.

On this episode, which I caught ten minutes of, Oprah had a guest who reunites long lost family members. The reuniting man said something which struck a cord and encapsulated why I feel so comfortable here 90 percent of the time. This absolutely, epic, heart wrenching, inspiration, intelligent line is......

"Your family is who loves you when you need to be loved."

BAMMMM are you crying yet? I think the line was in reference to a foster mother who had a foster daughter who was adopted and then they did not get to see each other for 20 something years. You crying now?

No? Well I did not cry either, but I was still inspired. I think Oprah cried, or at least teared up. I completely agree with the idea that blood is not thicker than water. Nothing will ever even come close to how I feel about my family, but when I really think about it, my family includes many people who are not at all genetically related to me.

Living in a foreign country has made me cheesy, but really when you are gone for a long time you realize how much you love some people and how much they love you. Absence makes the heart grow, blah blah blah. Plus,  when you are in weird country for so long you realize how valuable being able to love people and have any sort of affection returned is.  I got a lot of love to give and I get more than I could really ask for.

Thanks for inspiration Oprah.


Unknown said...

Faye you are going soft!

gale myles said...

aw faybe... you have always been loved by so many more than your family... we have always needed our "extended" family...
sappy maybe... but how good I feel to know that you can be half way around the world and loved
thank you egypt

Unknown said...

I love you!

Unknown said...

Faye you are def my sister from another mother. You are my heart and I cant wait to see you again. Its so true traveling makes you really appreciate the things way more. Ive only been gone 3 months but Im ready to get back to my "family"