Sunday, June 21, 2009


Tomorrow I fly to Paris where I will meet up with Sarah for a day or so and wait for Ana to get off the plane. Then we are off to the SW of France, maybe a stop in Spain, then to Corsica, maybe Italy, back to France (this time Provence), then up to Paris again, and I am 99 percent sure I am heading over to London for a few days. WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO

I don't know if I could be more excited. This trip is meshing together family, friends I have not see for years, food, wine, the ability to wear short dresses and not get called a hooker, and hopefully trash free streets.

I am really trying not to be negative in this post, but I am beyond happy to be done and done with Kenana. I am pretty upset about the way they handled leaving the apartment, my final paycheck, and the end of the year in general. Lucky roommates who left before me and did not have to deal with any of it.

But, happier times are ahead! I return to Cairo in August to look for a new job somewhere in the world.


gale myles said...

woo hooo!!!!

Unknown said...

hello faye?
are you leaving egypt?
lets talk... i wanted to hear from you about ur experience living here